Advice and financial support

Need free advice?

Council provides opportunities for customers to raise queries and seek clarification or advice on development proposals. Services are available at any time of day through City of Moreton Bay's Online Services. The single point of contact connects investors directly to the Economic Development Team who can streamline their query. Streamline your application process with assistance and advice on:

  • site-specific planning interpretation
  • confirmation of applicable codes
  • query response
  • collaborative assessment.

To request pre-lodgment advice, visit the Council’s website

Grants and funding

There are a wide variety of grant and funding opportunities available to assist business owners who are already in or planning to move to Moreton Bay. 

Council grants and financial support

  • Regional Economic Development Grants – up to $10,000 in funding to support community organisations implement initiatives that align with the four pillars of the Moreton Bay Regional Economic Development Strategy.

Queensland Government grants and financial support

  • Invested in Queensland – financial incentives to attract and support businesses looking to establish large-scale, job creating projects.
  • Business Basics, Business Boost and Business Growth Fund Grants – up to $50,000 in grant funding is available for new and established businesses at various stages of their journey, from recovery to growth.
  • Made in Queensland (MIQ) – up to $2.5 million in grant funding to increase the productivity and international competitiveness of small and medium sized manufacturers.
  • The Rural Financial Counselling Service (Southern Queensland) – free financial counselling for primary producers and small business owners in Moreton Bay.

Australian Government grants and financial support

For assistance understanding what funding is available for your investment visit